Testa er snabbhet här. Här är min första omgång.
You reached 210 points, so you achieved position 573 of 1651 on the ranking list
You type 284 characters per minute
You have 34 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words
Andra omgången:
You reached 225 points, so you achieved position 494 of 1655 on the ranking list
You type 296 characters per minute
You have 40 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
Tredje omgången:
You reached 218 points, so you achieved position 535 of 1658 on the ranking list
You type 301 characters per minute
You have 39 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
Urs, blir alldeles knäpp. Måste lägga ner. Men prova gärna.
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